Friday 2 July 2010

#4 Nothing

I can't think of anything to blog about, accept perhaps how much I love my Filofax. Or maybe the fact that it's so good to see Ghana score against Uruguay in the World Cup semi finals. It feels so much better to root for the underdog.


  1. Filofaxes are great. If I ever have an interesting and hectic life, I know I'll depend on one. I dont understand how people can plan to do anything without the structure and security a filofax gives you.

    Long live those darling little folders of wonder.

    D x

  2. Just like post-its. Everyone should have post-its. My grannie has a board dedicated to post-it reminders in her kitchen.

    They make your books look brighter too, even if you don't write anything subject-related on them. I have about 7 blocks of Post-it notes. They're so beautiful that I'm scared to use them up. I used about 4 when studying for my highers, but only for to-do lists.


  3. 4 stickers i mean. not blocks.

    i know im clogging up your beautiful blog with pointless things but i felt i had to clarify

    au revoir, pour maintenant

  4. Please possible exchange of text between your blog and my blog is
    With thanks
