Tuesday 25 May 2010

#1 -Exam Stress

I hate exams.
Hours and days and weeks of preparation, the guilt every time I do anything that doesn't involving study for exams, the lack of sleep, the rubbish food I cram into my mouth whilst reading or writing or just thinking, the awful nightmares. The nightmares are by far the worst thing; for about a week before each exam, my sleep is light and fitful and full of The Worst That Could Happen during an exam. My subconscious has begun to get very creative with this sort of thing. And I suppose that's something.
As if all this isn't bad enough, all the worrying and fretting and studying and barely sleeping, the actual exam itself is often worse! By the time I come to write my name onto the front of my answer booklet I can barely hold it together and am lucky if I manage a shaky, illegible scrawl where my name should be. Luckily there is nothing else to be done than give these nerves a firm goodbye and get on with wrestling my exam paper to the floor to sit triumphantly upon its head, before sauntering casually from the exam room to let the sweat clinging to my skin dry off in the park.
I truly do hate exams. Roll on Summer.

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